• The Sanctuary
  • Wednesday Lenten Services
  • Childrens Message
  • FILC Serving The Community



Welcome to First Immanuel Lutheran Church LCMS

Missouri Synod
374 S. 3rd Street, San Jose, CA 95112


† 408-292-5404 † 

"Proclaiming Christ to the Nations"

Thank you for visiting our website!

Serving more than just Sunday worship, we offer education, growth and fellowship opportunities that focus on God’s Word and learning to live in His love—also we can realize  a  deeper service to and connection with His larger family.  We welcome you to become a part of what Jesus came to give each of us—

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”  John 10:10


Relationship and growth groups

    •  Sunday School & Adult Bible Study
    •  Adult and Youth Confirmation Classes
    •  Youth Group
    •  Music Program - Chancel Choir
    •  Small Groups - Bible study, fellowship, service
    •  Quinceañeras, Posada, & other cultural events



FILC 3.30.25 News & Prayers

March 30, 2025


Prayers for strength and healing:

Beatriz Scott, Tod Nalley (Clemmons), Jean Schieber, Colleen Isaacs, Veda Connor’s daughter, Shirley Stager, Veda Connor, Mark, nephew of Karen Deichmann, Arcele Thompson, Cindy Neilson, Donnie White, Martha Baker, Yvonne Wagner, Simona, Lucas (Norma Gesso), Trevor Blake (Carole Cook), Gloria Sierra (Beatriz Scott) Fernando Sierra (Beatriz Scott) 

Our Members celebrating a birthday this week:

4/1 Nathan Montano

4/2 Jenalyn Reann Torres

4/2 Emma Pardo

4/4 Marina Tallent

Prayers for God’s hand on these ministries:

Trinity Lutheran Church • C.O.M.E. • We pray for God’s protection on our missionaries around the world and especially Pastor Jerry & Patty Lawson and family

Lenten Supper sign up is in the narthex

With C.O.M.E.’s building repairs nearing completion, we need to replace the appliances and fixtures (refrigerators, freezers, etc.) that were destroyed in the fire. Please prayerfully consider donating to our operational fund to help get us back on our feet again. We are also willing to pick-up operational refrigerators/freezers if you or someone you know is replacing theirs.  To coordinate a pick up please call either: 

Al DeMay 408 340 0283 or Garry Gong 408 887 6430

Most importantly, please remember us in your prayers as we resume full operation.

 Yours In Faith,

the C.O.M.E. Board

Join Relay For Life Come celebrate my birthday with me at the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life of Santa Clara. 

Relay For Life of Santa Clara

Saturday, May 10 from 2:00PM - 9:00PM

Franklin Mall, Santa Clara (Jackson St. and Homestead Rd.)

You can walk as little or as much as you want. We’ll have birthday cake and there will be games for kids, a Scavenger Hunt and a special dinner for cancer survivors and their caregivers. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate my birthday!

For a $10 donation, you can dedicate a luminaria to a loved one or friend that has been affected by cancer. A luminaria is a decorated bag that is illuminated after the sun goes and these luminarias will be displayed on Jackson Street at the event.

To join Team Mouseketeer or donate, click on the link below or contact me for more information.




Blessings on your day!

Gail Fern

  March 2025  
This Week's Events
Bible Search

San Jose, California

Expect showery weather before dawn Sunday through Tuesday evening


63° 47°

Mostly clear

Feels Like: 52°
Humidity: 79%
Wind: 0 MPH

63 49

64 51

61 45
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