

Welcome to First Immanuel Lutheran Church LCMS

Missouri Synod
374 S. 3rd Street, San Jose, CA 95112


† 408-292-5404 † 

"Proclaiming Christ to the Nations"

Thank you for visiting our website!

Serving more than just Sunday worship, we offer education, growth and fellowship opportunities that focus on God’s Word and learning to live in His love—also we can realize  a  deeper service to and connection with His larger family.  We welcome you to become a part of what Jesus came to give each of us—

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”  John 10:10


Relationship and growth groups

    •  Sunday School & Adult Bible Study
    •  Adult and Youth Confirmation Classes
    •  Youth Group
    •  Music Program - Chancel Choir
    •  Small Groups - Bible study, fellowship, service
    •  Quinceañeras, Posada, & other cultural events